Monday, September 21, 2009

Where has September gone?

I cannot believe it is the end of September. I have not posted anything in weeks and I am embarrassed at my lack of attention to my blog. I know all my loyal friends are disappointed in me...especially my mom!! lol !! ;o)

Things have been fairly run of the mill around here....working, eating...sleeping. Not alot of excitement in the Harned household lately. Our weekends have consisted of regular upkeep of the house...gardening, cleaning, never ends.

We did pick our first pumpkins. They are sitting on the front porch and I was happy to see that other people in the neighborhood already have fall decor out. I am not going to be named the crazy pumpkin lady!!

The girls are doing great in school. Sarah and Ashley are both playing Soccer and Sarah is getting ready to start Fall Volleyball. She is really excited about Basketball starting back up and cannot wait to get back out on the court. Ashley will be starting Basketball this season also and is really excited!!

Sarah has started walking with my mom and I in the mornings. I am so proud of her. She gets up with no problem and talks our ears off the whole walk. It truly is funny to hear her tell her stories and thoughts of the morning. It usually is many!! It is a real blessing, after walking with my mom for 15 years, to see my daughter join us and enjoy the tradition of our morning exercise.

Nap time is over...I know this is a sorry excuse for a posting...I apologize. It is a rainy day and that is just how I feel !!!