Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cassoday Bike Run(My 1st Real Ride)

I was nervous to say the least. This is the first all day group ride I had gone on. A big group of friends met at Worth and we followed each other to Cassoday Ks. It was a beautiful ride, with lots of amazing people and lots of amazing sites. All and All...I rate my first group ride as a 10! Thank you Jeffrey for a wonderful memory! I love you!

Plaza Tennis Tourney

As a family we truly enjoy the days we spend at the Plaza Tennis Club during the Summer. Jeff and James usually play in at least a couple tourneys and it is always a great day of relaxing in what shade we can find and then usually a fun lunch somewhere on the Plaza. Win or is a great time!!

"Storm" Pool Party

Storm had a pool party at the Tiffany Springs Pool House. It was a terrific time! We love seeing the girls interact together off the court! These girls have built great relationships that I hope carry with them for a lifetime! Sarah we are so proud of you and how far you have come in Basketball. You play hard and good! We love you! What an amazing group of girls!

Date Night at the Royals Game

It is such a wonderful wonderful time when all 5 of us get to go out as a family and have just a blast together! We had the highest seats in the stadium and would not of had it any other way. The kids had so much fun moving around and sitting where they wanted...not having to sit in certain seats! We had such a great time and I cannot wait to do it again next year. Cotton Candy, Foam fingers, hot dogs actually many hot dogs and one BIG margarita that Jeff had to walk to the other side of the stadium to find for ME!! What a great hubby! I love you family with all my heart!! OH and not to mention the WONDERFUL friends that we were with! We pretty much filled the entire section with great people!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1st Day of 5th and 3rd Grade

Everyone says that you cannot measure time until you have children and then you realize just how fast it goes...and they are RIGHT! Sarah is going to be 11 in a couple months and is in 5th grade and it just seems like Ashley started Kindergarten....but guess not, because she is in 3rd grade. I am so proud of them both and the amazing little girls they are! This is the 1st day of the 2010/11 school year and they are both so excited to see their friends again and get to know their teachers! We do miss our bus driver this year and will have a hard time adjusting to the new one. We were spoiled for the last 5 years and knew Frank was awesome..but did not REALLY know until we had a new bus driver.

Good luck girls in your new grades and I pray for a blessed year for you both! I love you!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

KC Royals Verses Baltimore Orioles

WHAT A GREAT NIGHT!!! WHOA! Temps have been getting into the high 90's and even into triple digits, especially heat index. The humidity has been unbearable and we managed to pick the night in August that it cooled down so much at the stadium, I could of pulled off jeans and a jacket and been comfortable!! A storm passed through and with it came a cold front...just in time for the game and not one drop of rain on us. It seemed to rain everywhere else...but not at the stadium. We had the cheap seats and honestly loved them more than any other seats we have had. The girls were able to walk around the other seats and move around and had so much fun! Great time at the K!