Monday, April 19, 2010

It's Bubble Time

It's Bubble time...Bubble Time....bubble bubble Bubble time...Bubble Time. If you try really hard you can make that into a really cool jingle. lol:o) Emma loves her bubbles and to be dressed up in her Princess Dress and barefoot, blowing bubbles in the driveway...pretty much is the perfect description of our daughter!! Good Ol' Fashion Spring time fun!

Worth Harley Davidson - Week before opening

The new Worth Harley Davidson store has one week until the doors will be open. They have alot of work to do and to see the store the weekend before, it seems impossible. Jeff is in charge of setting up the computers and making sure all of them are up and running and everything is good to go for the first day. We went to the store Sunday to do a computer count and organize a little. I am just in awe of what is about to take place and am really looking forward to seeing it all unfold! This building is truly amazing...AMAZING! The first picture is Jeffs new Office. There is another picture of all the computers that were left in the building that Jeff has to basically strip and load all of the Worth stuff onto. Then the other picture is of Jeff's Server Room....whoa!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sarahs 4th Grade Arbor Day Tree

The trees were delivered early to the the kids were excited to bring them home to plant. Sarah was lucky enough to get a Dogwood Tree. She was excited to plant it at her Grandparents field...or maybe her dads house, but after sitting around on the counter for several days trying to keep the roots moist I decided to go ahead and plant it...try and nurse it back to health. It was not looking the best so I am hoping with a little tender love and care, we can help it grow!! I am excited to see what results we get!! One of my babysitting parents told me that they planted a free arbor day tree in third grade and it is huge at her parents that helped the final decision to get it in the ground right away!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Orange Crush

Sarah had her 1st Competitive League Basketball game last Sunday night. She was super excited and it truly showed when she played. She did great!! They were up until the 2nd half and then the other team took over and I believe the final score was 15/5. These girls really held their own and I am proud of every single one of them!! Go Orange Crush!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gone Fishin!!

It is official...Spring has arrived and therefore we headed out to start our season of fishing. It was an amazing day! One that was long waited for!! I did not catch a thing...but Jeff and Emma were catching them left and right. I did however catch a few great shots with my camera.

Jeff was fishing with his pink Barbie pole, which obviously made for some amazing shots. Emma was enjoying the day and loves getting the worms for dad and then throwing the fish back. I lost track of how many were caught...but I know it was a Catfish, a few Bass and Perch. All in All...a great day "Gone Fishin".