Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fast Fridays

What a terrific night. We had a date night with some friends and heading out to Chad's store in Overland Park. KC Trends. Every other Friday he hosts Fast Fridays...everyone brings out their expensive cars and fancy wheels and lines them up for everyone to check out. It was a great time. After that we headed out to dinner at Will and Jennys and then hurried home to beat the lightening and rain. What a terrific night with terrific friends!! I did the best I could to play the "biker chick" girls said I looked goth. lol....

Double Rainbow

The girls and I were finishing up some shopping and came out of the store to see a double rainbow. No camera of we hurried home in hopes to capture some pics. It was too close to get a complete picture..but we did get some cute shots of the girls. I explained to Emma that a rainbow is God's promise to us that he will never flood the earth again...the next night we were at dinner and it was storming...Emma it is not going to storm..remember God promised. It was adorable...I had to explain that he promised to not flood the earth...not that it would never rain Very sweet.!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Worth Harley-Davidson Perfect weather for Thunder Run this weekend. Do not hesitate to pre-register today for the weekend. Lots of great raffle prizes, lots of food, and dont forget about the great music....But more importantly this is for a GREAT CAUSE! Helping find a cure for Juvenile Diabetes.

Now clear your calendar and come out this weekend to Thunder Run 2010!

Worth Harley-Davidson Thunder Run 2010 is still on!! Rain to be gone by noonish hour. We have pushed back the ride until around 2:00pm. Tons of food and beverages are on hand. Don't miss out on the auction items and the great music this afternoon! Even if you do not ride, please come out and support a great cause!

Worth Harley-Davidson A BIG HUGE THANKS to everyone who braved the weather to come out to support JDRF and the Thunder Run. We raised thousands and got to eat some good food and listen to some great music from Shaman's Harvest.
Thanks to all of our orange shirt volunteers and to Moose for leading the ride. We couldn't have done it without you all.

Shawnee Mission Puppy Park

Whoa...Never in my life, did I ever think, that a place like this really existed. Along with many other people...I watched the movie "Marley & Me" and remember the parts where Marley was at a Puppy Section of the beach. I laughed...but never really thought it existed, especially in Missouri. I was wrong. My neighbor told me about this park and I had the day off, so I decided to check it out. How funny...a special section of the lake, just for dogs. So here came Murphy's first chance to get in the water. It did not take long and he was swimming for tennis balls with the best of them. What a wonderful experience...really a cool place. We did however, have a "Marley" moment...and Murphy decided to poo in the lake. Seriously...what in the world made him feel like it was "ok" to do that in the lake. Yuck! I thought the lake police were going to come find me and kick me and my dog out of puppy park. Too funny!

Zoo Trip June 2010

Our first outing of the Summer..well besides the pool. I took a couple days off and took the kids to the Zoo. We truly enjoyed the day. It was perfect weather and we were able to buy our Season Gold Pass and ride the Carousel as many times as we wanted. We rode the train round trip several times. We packed our lunch and enjoyed a picnic lunch under the trees and finished with a Popsicle for a treat. It was a very wonderful simple day...spent enjoying each other.