Friday, June 25, 2010

Shawnee Mission Puppy Park

Whoa...Never in my life, did I ever think, that a place like this really existed. Along with many other people...I watched the movie "Marley & Me" and remember the parts where Marley was at a Puppy Section of the beach. I laughed...but never really thought it existed, especially in Missouri. I was wrong. My neighbor told me about this park and I had the day off, so I decided to check it out. How funny...a special section of the lake, just for dogs. So here came Murphy's first chance to get in the water. It did not take long and he was swimming for tennis balls with the best of them. What a wonderful experience...really a cool place. We did however, have a "Marley" moment...and Murphy decided to poo in the lake. Seriously...what in the world made him feel like it was "ok" to do that in the lake. Yuck! I thought the lake police were going to come find me and kick me and my dog out of puppy park. Too funny!

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