Well everyone says that a tomato is a fruit...but I would feel wrong to say we picked our first fruit from the garden. It was a tomato and no matter what they say, they are always vegetables to me. Regardless, the kids were so excited to have our first pick of the season. I was not sure what would happen with the garden the first year...but it seems we did something right.

I have to take a picture of the pumpkin plant growing on the side of our house. Last year I did not know what to do with our pumpkins from Halloween...so I put them on the side of the house, hoping something or someone would carry them off for me ;o) .... instead they seeded into the ground and we now have the "Harned Pumpkin Patch" growing on the side of our house.
My neighbor asked me if I was doing an experiment with the girls...that sounded like a great idea...SURE, that is what I planned. I honestly have never seen a healthier more flowering pumpkin plant in my life. Ridiculous. The girls are so excited to grow pumpkins that Jeff and I are just mowing around it...I am waiting for the letter from our HOA telling us we need to trim our Pumpkin Plant !!!
Jeff is loving working at Harley. He is doing a great job and learning a ton. Worth just purchased a building about 5 minutes north of us off I29 and they will be moving this fall. It looks like a great opportunity for Jeff and we are excited to see what the future holds.
The Home Depot project is still going strong. He is working nights installing computer switches and more IT stuff I do not understand. Although working nights and days is very tiring...he seems to really enjoy getting to put his computer knowledge to the test.
I am on vacation. I took today and tomorrow off work to enjoy the home and kids. No big plans...just enjoying not being responsible for other babies for a couple days.
As you can tell from the poor writing and sloppy subjects...I am tired. Emma is sleeping here next to me and I think she has the right idea. Sorry for the poor reading...maybe I can step it up a notch tomorrow. We are heading to the pool and I hope to get some cute pool pics.
Good night all !!