Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Adopted Family for the Week

A friend of mine is going on a trip (second honeymoon) to Jamaica...if I remember right, the first honeymoon was like in Excelsior Springs or something. So, well deserved! I am the honored caregiver for their boys while they are gone. I am actually really excited...although a little nervous that by Sunday the boys are going to be ready to see mom. They are dropping them off tomorrow, Friday and then picking them up the following weekend on Sunday morning. These kids are truly amazing...I know, three are thinking I am crazy...but if you have met them you know just how great they are.

Thank goodness for the Honda Oddessy!!!

So keep me in your thoughts this week....I am going from 3 to 6 kids overnight...

1 comment:

  1. Great picture of the boys...they're keepers for sure! You all will have a fantastic time, probably won't even miss their folks...yeah right
