Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Things, they are a changin...With Jeff back to work, I am finding myself going nonstop around the house. I think I might of got a little spoiled in the 6 months he was home.
Time I had to blog is now going to putting those last minute clothes away...or whatever other household chore did not get done during the day. So forgive my lack of attention to my blog while I adjust and perfect my daily routine.

Well...Happy 4th of July. I am officially another year older.
WHOA !! It is amazing how they start adding up so quickly. I did have an amazing birthday. We had a big party at the house with all the neighbors and family and friends. Shot off a "very illegal" amount of fireworks, had a huge water slide set up for the kids and lots of food!! I have to mention how blessed I was at the end of the night. Normally everyone is very tired and ready to bolt...but everyone stayed and cleaned up the house before they went home. It was such a big blessing to get up Sunday and not have to mess with that all by myself.

The guys cleaned up all the fireworks and the girls helped clean up all the food. Thank you so much for doing that. It truly was wonderful !!
Sunday, Jeff and I watched Wimbledon finals and enjoyed a relaxing day of doing nothing. We are still getting used to him only being off on Sundays.

It is well past my bed my "UP" time is only 5 hours away. I will attach the pictures tomorrow. Jeff is working on a laptop and I cannot access my home network right now(I said "Home Network") lol ;o) The pictures are a must see....lots of great ones from Saturday. Plus my husband was looking F-I-N-E sporting his new Harley attire.

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