Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I cannot believe I went a week without being on my blog. I am addicted to it and love writing...and somehow let over a week go by without signing in. We have had so much going on it seems. Between, Girl Scouts and Basketball tournaments, Ceremonies and Birthday sleepovers...little time was left for my computer time. ;O(

But, on another note it gives me plenty to talk about.

Ashley had her 1st Brownie Ceremony, which left me ironing patches on her vest all day. She did great and earned a ton of patches. I am not kidding...she earned probably 20 different patches. A funny note though...during the ceremony the troop leader was going over the history of girl scouts...and mentioned the name Brownies came from little elves that helped people in the woods. Seriously, with the candles they had burning in some V formation, I was already wondering if my daughter was part of a cult. Then, when they started talking about elves in woods and how it relates to my daughter, I was certain....these Girl Scout people are a little loopy.

Sarah finished up the basketball season in a 2 day tournament in Weston. They lost the first and second games...but finished out the season with a 20/11 WIN. Sarah was in tears as we left, she will miss basketball so much for the Summer. Soccer will soon have her attention, it starts in about 3 weeks. It does not seem possible that we will be playing Soccer in 3 weeks.

Ashley turns 7 this Saturday. We had a birthday sleepover this last weekend and it went great. She had 3 girls ride the bus home with her on Friday and we celebrated with balloons and Fancy Nancy decor. Pizza, pop and cake and ice cream to top it off.

Emma will start Soccer this year. She is enrolled for Smart Start Soccer with Gladstone. She is thrilled to be like her big sisters. I am sure I will be posting pictures as soon as I can.

Jeff and I are still trucking along. That does not sound to romantic...but we are just taking everyday as it comes. He is learning alot at school and seems to really be enjoying the program. He has built a laptop from the bottom up and replaced all kinds of parts in our computers...lol!! We have the fastest computers on the block...I can tell you that!! I am spending my days hanging out with alot of great kids. I am excited for the weather to get better so we can all get out of the house for some outdoor play. We need it.

Ok...I am running on empty...I will get some pictures to post maybe in the next couple days.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Sunday!

My mom sent this to me and I really enjoyed it. I wanted to share it with you. Click on the link below and then scroll down to click play on the video. It is worth it.

Happy Sunday!!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Jeff was able to catch this on video...so CUTE !!

Baby Grant

Here are some pictures of the little boy I started watching. I was able to sneak outside yesterday on one of our "pretend" Spring days...they turned out pretty cute. Enjoy!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

~Scrap Mania~

I had a blast last night. It was a beautiful day outside and it was so hard to leave my family and home to go sit inside...but I managed to do it. I started scrapbooking around 3:30 and finished up at about 10:15. I got alot done and really was impressed at how many pages I actually got through. I will post some pictures of some of the layouts I started...some are not finished. I need to add journaling and some titles to some of them...but you can get an idea.

Have a blessed week!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I wish someone could tell my flowers that it is not Spring yet. Tell them it is just Winter playing a terrible joke on them. Has anyone else checked their Daffodils and Tulips? Mine are several inches out of the ground. I keep piling the mulch on top of them and they just keep pushing themselves on out. Today, I fed them, in hopes that it might help them beat the cold air that is sure to return soon. It is 70 degrees today...Windy and the sun is shining bright. Great day to clean out my oven and open the windows to get out any stale air. Sorry so short and sweet...it is naptime for the little ones and I spent some of it feeding my bulbs and trees...now back to cropping and getting ready for my big night tomorrow.

Happy Spring! Just Kiddn!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Front Row Tickets!!

Never, ever....EVER, have I had front row tickets to anything. Until...Disney On Ice. Seriously. Not once....not twice...but three times, I have gotten front row tickets to Disney on Ice. It makes me laugh at myself, when I realize how excited I am to get Front Row tickets. Did I mention they are "Front Row" tickets? I get to see Mickey and Minnie and all the Disney Princesses, up close, again, for the third time. ;o) I will say, once you see this show from the front row..nothing but, will do. Emma is the lucky kid that gets to go. Sarah and Ashley have been 3 times. Of course, we are keeping it a secret so that she will be surprised.

On a different note. I am going to "Scrap Mania" Saturday with my girlfriend across the street. I will be "scrapping" from
(3-11p.m)....Thats RIGHT....8 solid hours of scrapbooking.
Life is Good! I will take some pics of any masterpieces that might come out of that special night and will post them hopefully Sunday. Until then, I will be busy cutting and prepping and getting everything ready for my big day. You "Scrappers" know what I mean.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The "Scrapper" in Me

Here are some of my scrapbook pages. I took some pictures and thought I would post them and share. Hope you enjoy.