Sunday, March 29, 2009

"After" Pictures

We are heading out the door...but I wanted to post the "after" pictures!! WOW painting is alot of work!! ENJOY!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The "Before" Pictures

Here is our empty "blah" living room. Needing some attention. Now you know why he thought we had primer on the walls.

Before and After

The weather is supposed to be cold and wet for the next several I cannot think of anything better to do than PAINT! We have a friend that is a professional painter and the first time he was at our house he said "when are you going to paint" He thought the walls still had primer on them. ;o) Sooo...ever since, my walls have drove me nuts. I look at them and see primer. Our friend was wonderful enough to come and paint the girls rooms just like the pottery barn picture I had shown the living room was left to me. So I have picked the colors I love and am going with Jeff tonight to get the paint. We are doing chocolate brown in the living room and baby blue in the kitchen. I am going to take before and after pictures and post them early next week(if all goes well). Wish me luck.

I will post the pictures of the Ashley, Emma and Sarahs room to show what a wonderful job he did.

Check in on Monday for before and after photos.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just an Update....

Things have just been busy. Period. I was missing being on my blog so much...but just like anything else at times, was having just a "blah" week. Besides enjoying the beautiful weather here in KC, everything has just been very routine. I have been able to get outside and tend to my flowers and trees this week. My daffodils are in full bloom and tulips are well on their way. My Lilac bushes are getting flower buds and my Hyacinths are close to blooming. Either way, I think that is proof that Spring is well on its way.

Jeff is still working really hard at school and is getting closer to the end. The unknown is scary for us both and we are anxious for him to start interviewing in hopes that something will line up for us. He is still probably 4 weeks off from serious job hunting. God has our plan......and I know it will all come together in His time.

We did make a fun purchase this last weekend. We were shopping for outdoor playhouses and realizing we were going to need to take a second mortgage out on the house to purchase one. So we hit Craigs List and found a good deal in Gower. The lady had several people interested so we had to be the first to Gower Sunday morning at 7 a.m. ;o) YEP...and it did not all fit in the we had to drive all the way back with half of it and then get the neighbors truck and drive back up there to pick up the rest. Emma and Ashley LOVE it. Sarah calls it her sister club house. Jeff put little lights in there so they could play out there at night and they think that is really cool.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy 20th Birthday Amanda

Happy 20th Birthday Amanda. Amanda is my cousin and is currently going to college at MU. She loves horses. This is Tommy. She has had him for about 3 years and plans on keeping him forever. They are great together. My Aunt Winne had the family down to Columbia for the day to have a BBQ and celebrate Amanda's birthday. We all had alot of fun. It was 70 and beautiful for being outside. Thank you Winnie for the invite...and to everyone for the great food. My contribution was Smokehouse beans and for anyone that has ever eaten know...they were a hit! After the party, Amanda was heading to the barn to give Tommy a workout before their competition on we all got to go meet Tommy. The kids all got to ride him around the indoor arena there and we got to see Amanda ride for a short while. I have not heard the results of the competition but will post them as soon as I know. Well this one is short and sweet. It has been raining all afternoon and now is late into the night and is my pillow is calling my name.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let's Play in the Snow

I have to admit....Winter had me fooled. I had posted earlier about Winter playing a cruel joke on my daffodils and tulips...but I still fell for it. I really thought maybe Spring had come early. Needless to say, if you read the title, Winter is still here. We were so surprised by the unexpected 5 inches of snow we got Saturday morning. It really was amazing to watch and as it started to really accumulate we knew we had a great day of playing in the snow ahead of us. Emma loved it and could not wait to get outside to make snow angels and sled. We built a couple snowmen and had so much fun playing in the snow. In the pictures you will see Emma throwing snowballs at dad...she really thought that was funny!!