Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy 20th Birthday Amanda

Happy 20th Birthday Amanda. Amanda is my cousin and is currently going to college at MU. She loves horses. This is Tommy. She has had him for about 3 years and plans on keeping him forever. They are great together. My Aunt Winne had the family down to Columbia for the day to have a BBQ and celebrate Amanda's birthday. We all had alot of fun. It was 70 and beautiful for being outside. Thank you Winnie for the invite...and to everyone for the great food. My contribution was Smokehouse beans and for anyone that has ever eaten know...they were a hit! After the party, Amanda was heading to the barn to give Tommy a workout before their competition on we all got to go meet Tommy. The kids all got to ride him around the indoor arena there and we got to see Amanda ride for a short while. I have not heard the results of the competition but will post them as soon as I know. Well this one is short and sweet. It has been raining all afternoon and now is late into the night and is my pillow is calling my name.

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