Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guess What ??

Thats right folks...the end of unemployment has found us. Worth Harley Davidson is our new employer !! Jeff is the "Go To Man"....he is going to be their "IT" Dept and Sales. He starts on Monday and could not be more excited. It is still very surreal for both of us. After 6 months of being out of work, it is kind of hard to believe this is happening. This has been a long hard road for us...and we are happy to have reached an end. We both knew God had a plan and that we just fell in where he wanted us too...we are just glad we have that place and now can start regathering all the pieces. For those that do not know of Worth Harley Davidson...they reside less than 10 minutes from our home. No highway...just main streets with no traffic whatsoever. They are hiring Jeff with every expectation that he will soon be a Sales Manager for the new store they are opening within the year by the airport. Again within 10 minutes of our home. It is amazing how life works. For those that do not know, last night Jeff was playing tennis at his club(preparing for the KC Open this weekend) and pulled his Calf Muscle. We were instructed by close friends and Ask a nurse to take him to the the girls and I drove to pick him up and take him to Saint Lukes Medical. A special Thank You to Blaire and Daryn...Blaire was so willing to come sit with my girls and be there for us if we needed...It gave me peace to know you were just a phone call away...Thank you Daryn for giving us advice when we were really unsure of what step to take!! To make a long night a little shorter....they confirmed he did pull his Calf and Emergency Surgery was not required...therefore, sending him home with some good pain med and crutches. Today was his interview and we were both very nervous about how it would appear to walk in on crutches and being on pain med. He came home with his new uniform I knew it went well !!!

Thank you so so much to everyone that kept us in your prayers. Thank you for being our friends and loving us during this time. I pray that Jesus shines through us and we can be great support back to everyone else just like you have been to us.

I am going to bed now...and probably will sleep really really good!! I know Jeff will..he is well medicated !! LOL ;o)

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS to you both, we are profoundly proud of you both - as you well know! Jeff will kick butt and excel beyond their dreams, that is a given. God is great isn't He!

    We are so very happy for you all!!!!
