Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Garden

We took down our trampoline...parted with a piece of our family...and it was a bitter sweet. The girls have enjoyed it for the time we have had it...but I have to say, now that it is gone, I love having our backyard back. It was a major eye sore. So we moved the play set to the patio and the girls have played with it more in the last week than the whole time we have had it. Obviously the grass was dead where the play set was, so Jeff suggested we plant a garden.
So here it is. Our Family Garden. I have never successfully grown fruit or this is a trial run. We have a 6x6 area that we planted and it has 4 tomato plants, lots of, habenaro, jalapeno...a couple cantaloupe and cucumbers. Sounds like alot for such a small area...but remember, we are new to this is just our trial run.

Jeff is still home, searching for a job. Please be praying for us and for God's plan to fall into place. I am still babysitting and loving it. I have not been to a scrap booking event, nor have I scrap booked since the last time I blogged about it. I need to dedicate some time to it and get caught up. I have kept up with my gardens and they are thriving. I thank God for them everyday and am so blessed when I look out and see how beautiful they are. The girls are enjoying the start of their Summer Vacation. My mom and dad blessed us with Worlds of Fun tickets a couple weekends back and we had so much fun as a family. Jeff and I realized we are not as cool as we thought we were. I rode about 5 rides and had motion sickness through Monday...Jeff was amazing, he rode all the rides with the girls and many of them twice and it was not until the end that he started taking a pass on the rides. I was truly impressed and also very happy inside that I was not the only one showing my age. ;o) The girls have been enjoying our neighborhood pool. They have got to play tennis during the day with Jeff and they got to go to the Gladstone Pool with my friend Blaire for a few hours...they were thrilled. I think they are now spoiled with slides and diving boards...our pool might not be as fun now. ;o)

I totally failed at the "Bird Cam" plan was to take pictures every week until they left the nest. My Mom and Aunt are really into that live bird cam !! I guess I just did not realize how fast little birds grow up and leave the nest. As a mother, I guess I could not imagine having an empty nest after just a few short days of feeding the little ones. I went out to take another picture of them and they were toddling around the yard trying to get away while the parents were very upset that I was that close to them. Maybe next Spring I can try that !!

Well I know that 10:00 is not late for alot of my family and friends....but my 4:30 walking buddy will be here all too soon and I just do not function well on 5 hours of I better get my kids in bed so that I can get there before 11:00. So goodnight, sweet dreams and I love you all !

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