Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Its "Emma" Time

It is amazing to look at these pictures and see a totally different little girl, than I see every day. She is my last baby and is growing up way to fast. Emma is full of spunk and truly a princess at heart. She loves chasing butterflies and holding bugs...and then will stop to put on her lip gloss. :o) She loves to wear dresses and fancy flip flops...but only every so often am I allowed to put a bow in her hair. All these things are exactly what I love about her. She is so so tough...yet has the heart of an angel. She will ride her bike, as fast as her legs will go, then slam on the brakes to make the longest skid mark ever. I am normally gasping for air through the panic... and Dad is yelling "that was awesome" and she is saying..."watch me do it again". She will grab a tool out of dads tool box and be the first to work on her bike or toys when they need adjusting...knowing she "has what it takes" to fix it. What a cool kid !! I love you Emma.

Emma is the toughest, sweetest, most verbally advanced little girl only because she has amazing older sisters...she is what she is because of Sarah and Ashley....so dont you two worry...I will be blogging about you really soon !!

1 comment:

  1. nice little blonde virgin..just stay right still while I take your pants down
