Sunday, November 1, 2009

The "Good" Family

I am not picking my favorite family .... that is really the last name!! lol. I forgot to mention to them that my maiden name was Goodno...kind of funny I guess. Maybe just to me... Either way the day was about them...and my goodness, once again how can a person go wrong with such great people to take pictures of. I have picked my favorite photo...and although there are many that turned out great...ironically enough it is a picture of their bums that I liked the best. lol !! Bryce was disappointed that he did not sport his "big stitch" jeans...oh well...maybe next time! Thank you both for a terrific day and thank you again for letting me share this moment with you! I am blessed everyday to be a part of your lives!! Andrea...we will always laugh about the way we met I think. I truly believe we really had nothing to do with it...I think it was just meant to be. Congratulations on your engagement and only one more week and you all are LEGAL !!! What did Wendel say today. Misery likes company...Noooo just kiddin!! lol Once again..I have way to many to post on this I will put the album on facebook.

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