Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Update

Well...Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is right around the corner...it truly blows my mind how fast this year has gone. We had a very blessed Thanksgiving and enjoyed the time with my parents for a wonderful traditional meal...and then followed up with Jeffs parents for a terrific steak dinner. It was great not having two traditional Thanksgiving meals. We are having our very first Snow/Ice mix for this Winter season. The girls had their first early release today from school and it is a good guess they will not be having class tomorrow. They are truly hoping for their first snow day of the season. How exciting...things have changed though. I remember when I was a little girl, I could not wait to get up and watch the schools scroll along the bottom of the morning news. Now, the girls lay in bed and wait to hear every phone we have ring...both cell phones, house phone and even a chime from the computer that we received an email. We find out before the name is even put on the morning news. Still fun...hopefully we can build a snowman!!!

Well all the babysitting kids have left for the day, due to bad weather...and I actually get the chance to have dinner on the table for my husband and a clean house when he gets home from work. Funny how exciting that is for me!!

I miss my blog and am glad I got a chance to update it!!!!

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