Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

I loved today!! What a wonderful Mothers Day! The day started with an extra hour of sleep and getting out of bed to the smell of my coffee already brewed and yummy biscuits and gravy and REAL bacon!! What a terrific way to start the day. My dad showed up shortly after to take the van to get new tires and that of course was a terrific blessing. The girls and hubby and I headed out to find my Mother Day surprise...a new Bird Bath!! After many unsuccessful stops at many different stores we threw in the towel until after Sarahs Basketball game. Sarah played a really great game, just for me of course!! Afterwards, we headed out to my all time favorite place, Suburban Lawn and Garden. Hit the jackpot!! Found the perfect bird bath and a new honorary frog to place in the middle. Then of course...I took it for all I could and asked for just one more hanging basket!! What a terrific day! As a matter of fact, as I type this, I looked out and there is a finch drinking water out of it right now!! Thank you Jeff for making this Mothers Day wonderful for me. Thank you to my beautiful precious children for making it so wonderful to be a mother! Thank you to my Momma for being so wonderful!! I love you mom!!

Now that I look back...I did not get a picture with all my girls. It was late when we got home and Ashley was the person taking the picture of me and the bird bath and Emma jumped in there...Sarah was finishing up a Art project for school inside. :o(

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