Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Parry Boys

The morning started early...the boys were amazing. I am sure everyone understands how difficult it is to photograph 3 little boys...let alone a 18 month old. Grant was less than cooperative and was way more interested in running around exploring the new areas. Gage was not feeling well and was quite the trooper! Made for some cute pictures.....I hope you enjoy them! I did photo edit a couple...just for the fun of it! I took over 300 pictures this morning and these are just a few of the quick ones I was able to upload...There are so many more it is hard for me to walk away from the computer to go to Basketball...but I NEED TO!! So this is what you get for now! Happy Sunday everybody!!


  1. Those have to be the cutest boys ever!

  2. Jen - You cannot imagine how very special you have become to Barb and me as you continue to fill our lives with the pictures of the Parry
    guys! You are not only very talented, but the obvious love you share is seen in their faces. Thanks so much!!!
    George (Blaire's Dad in Michigan)

  3. Great job Jennifer! Cute boys.
