Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Finch Nest

I had a feeling that birds were making a nest in my rose bushes in the front. Jeff decided to look tonight and he found these sweet little birds. They are Red Finches and so so sweet. Right now there are 4 of them...so I hope to take pictures for the next few weeks and keep everyone updated on the progress. One of the pictures it shows Jeffs fingers...that helps give an idea of how small these birds are. All 4 of them put together are about the size of one of my small roses.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ok...SO I really am just a Birdwatcher WANNABE!!

I am actually a big fraud. lol. After giving Blaire all the trouble I did, I did not even know what I was talking about. The bird eating off my thistle sock feeder is an Indigo Bunting. I actually am more excited about having a Bunting eating off my feeder than a Missouri Blue Bird...but with all the grief I gave Blaire, I have been put in my place. I got what I deserved...once I realized that the bird was not a Missouri State Bird, I was trying to get a closer look...so I knelt down along the fence all the way up to my backyard and leaned up to take a picture and my battery was dead. I had my 300 zoom lens and was within 10 feet of this amazing bird and missed the shot....SERIOUSLY. So...this is NOT my picture posted below...but WOULD OF BEEN if my camera would not have flipping died!!! errrr....

So Blaire...the BLUE bird on the sock was NOT a Missouri Blue Bird...it is an Indigo BUNTING !!
This time I am for sure !! Remember, Gotta love me !!

You have to admit...it is amazing, truly a miracle that a bird this beautiful exsists and just flys around with the majority of the public never noticing it. Now, I am wanting to catch a glimpse of its Cousin....the Painted Bunting...Google that bird..what a miracle!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Camping Trip 2009

Exactly what the doctor ordered!! A little sunshine, small breeze, cool nights and nothing but each other for entertainment. Bike rides(many), walks, fishing, fires, smores, swimming at the beach(if you call it a beach). What an extremley blessed weekend. The only thing that would of made it better if we could of had Sarah and Ashley with us.

I am not sure if what we did is exactly "roughin" it..but obviously it got us out of the same four walls we spend all our time in. A few things were a must...my coffee pot...and Jeffs fan. We have never been camping with all these luxeries and kind of laughed at ourselves when we were able to turn a small lamp on instead of a flashlight. We decided later in the week to go camping and when I called they only had electric sites avaliable. One site to be exact...so we grabbed it. Now that we have camped like this...I am not sure we could go back to the old fashion way.

Emma made her dad proud this weekend. She was an amazing camper. She has went camping since she was 9 months old...but of course this is the first time that she really could get into it. We ran across a snapping turtle on one of our bikes rides and she was excited to keep it as a pet...but we sent it home to its mom. Later on in the day, her dad and her found a frog in our campsite. She reached right down and grabbed it and made it her best friend. I even was able to grab a picture of it !! Obviously, fishing was another moment that shined in dads heart....she caught 5 fish, on her own, with her Barbie fishing pole!! She was so excited to get the worm for dad, for every cast. It was so wonderful watching them together...and even more wonderful seeing how much Emma enjoyed fishing!!
As far as I go...(this is for Blaire)..My birdwatching was turned on, full force. We had Orioles flying around our campsite. Cardinals, Robins, Bluejays and Chicadees were among the many birds that visited us. The Chicadees were eating off the picnic table and landing on our chairs. We had a woodpecker that visited too. On one of our bike rides, I found an Oriole nest. That is right folks...I got to watch an Oriole making a nest. It really was amazing to see and I was so excited. Jeff was upset though when I took the Grape Jelly out of the cooler to put some on a plate for the birds...I did not leave much for sandwiches. (for those of us who are not "bird watchers".... Grape Jelly to Orioles is like cat food is to a stray cat. The will not go away and always want more". The photographer at heart made a rookie move this weekend. I left my "good" camera at home and took my pocket camera..thinking I could take it with me more places. Well I took 8 pictures and it said MEMORY FULL !! I had taken the memory card out to upload pictures and never put it back. So the only memory I could use was the cameras internal memory...and it held...thats right...8 pictures. So these are the 8 I got...and I love them all !!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday to Natalie

My neice turned 5 last week....how exciting. Kindergarten is right around the corner. My goodness time flies. My sister(in law) always plans amazing parties and this was no exception. Her husband and her made a beautiful horse cake and Jenny painted horses on the girls faces. Sarah and Ashley were the exception to the rule and they got "Fancy Faces". Jenny has started a new hobby of painting faces and it is not the standard rainbow on the cheek...it is what I would call Face Masterpieces.

Happy Birthday to a beautiful young lady that I am SO proud of!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Bird Watching Journal for Blaire

I was that neighbor that could not understand feeding the birds...letting the bird seed fall in your yard and grow small sunflowers or bean looking like plants. It never made sense to me to invite the birds to be in your yard..poop all over your fence and nest in your trees. Disease, expense, weeds...etc. My passion started with my mother, of course, feeding the hummingbirds...and what a miracle it was to see those extremely small animals zooming around eating out of the feeders. I thought, well it could not hurt, having sugar water in a feeder. Those birds could not poop much and obviously sugar water would not grow in the ground....so I plunged. That is where the obsession started. I now feed Finches(red and yellow), Orioles, Red-Winged Black Birds, Mocking Birds, Grosbeaks, Doves, Hummingbirds and most recently the Missouri State Bird - Missouri Bluebird. My husband actually first sighted this beautiful little bird. He noticed it eating some safflower off the ground and called me in...I immediately summoned everyone in the house to silence and Jeff to get the camera. I was able to get some pretty great shots, for being in my kitchen the whole time, with everyone under strict instruction to not move...and breath slowly. My yellow finches shared their thistle sock very well. There are normally 4 yellow finches on the sock with a couple, waiting in line, on the rope. The red finches are close by to move in, while the others take a break. The Bluebird took his sweet time making sure he was done before moving on. He has visited a couple days in a row. Soooo....in all the excitement, I decided to share the news with one of my girlfriends, whose interests are FAR from flowers and birds..and more into things like....ADULT KICKBALL...seriously. So I mentioned to her today that I had the State Bird in my backyard. Her reaction(s)...."NO WAY GIRRRL" "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME" "WOW" All mocking me in every way. She thinks it is hilarious that I actually notice the birds in my backyard, let alone feed them. I have come to terms that she is actually just very jealous that I have birds in my backyard and she did not even know that Missouri had a state bird(well she knew...but that would of not been as funny)...but with all that aside...she did ask that I journal my sightings(all in sarcasm of course) and I knew she would find this posting very entertaining. So, Blaire, the Missouri State Bluebird is the BLUE Bird on the sock. ;o) Gotta love me!!

Tennis Block PARTY!!

This was a blast. What a wonderful event that they hold at Barry Park. Jeff was blessed to be a volunteer coach for the older kids and man did he have fun. It was amazing to see him in that role and what a natural he is. I could tell that he was in heaven out there with those kids. The girls were amazing. I believe we have some natural born tennis players in the family. Sarah went early with Jeff to help set up..and Ashley and Emma and I fell behind later. Ashley was nervous about being in a group alone..so I was thinking she would back out at the last minute, but instead, she got in the group with Sarah and the first challenge they played, SHE WON !! So then it was ON !! She was all about Tennis from that point on. Sarah and her both got really cool T-shirts and the memory of being with all those kids learning to play tennis. This is the 2nd year they have held this event and it is going to be annual from now on...that is the plan anyway. It is free to everyone and they include food and snacks and drinks...and rackets and it is for sure a great way to spend the morning with the family.
Emma and I had to hang out on the courts...trying not to bring too much attention to ourselves. So we had some fun taking pictures of funny faces we were making. Anything to keep a 3 year old happy !!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heirloom Blooms

I have Heirloom plants in my garden and I wanted to share some of the pictures with you. These Peonies date back to the early 1900's. My Grandma was born in 1919 and she transplanted these Peonies from her mother's garden...we are not sure how or when my Great Grandmother received the Peonies...we just know that they were planted in her garden at the farm. To see these beautiful Peonies...blooming..at my home, in my garden...knowing they are over 100 years old...is truly, truly a blessing. I go out to see them several times a day and of course have to stop to smell them every time I am by them. I am honored to be a part of their history. Truly honored.

The Hostas I have pictured are from my Grandma's home. After she passed away, the house sold....and I went over to collect any plants that had been left for the new owners. These Hostas were by my grandmas deck in the backyard. My Grandma and my Aunt Betsy had planted them many years ago. The Hostas are at least 20 years old...I am certain more...but it is too late at night to call Bets and confirm.. ;o) I had transplanted these Hostas to my 1st house and when we moved out it was not the right time of the year to move the Hostas. I actually asked the realtor if I could put it in the contract to be able to come back in the Spring...but he told me I was crazy. So time passed and I thought about them all the time....wishing I could get them. I was out working in the yard at the new house and it was Spring...a couple years had passed and I just felt led to load up the kids + 1 babysitting kid and a shovel and go over to the old house and ask for the Hostas. I knocked on the door and thought for sure no one was home...right when I was ready to walk away..she came to the door and I introduced myself and asked if I could dig up the Hostas by her driveway...lmao...(I did explain that they were my Grandmas) she had to of thought I lost my mind...she said "Sure, take whatever you want...I cannot keep anything alive." So I did..I dug everyone of those Hostas up as the kids were watching a movie in the van...took all of 15 minutes and we were off...back to the house...I could NOT believe I could of ever done that and everytime I look at them..I know it truly is a miracle that they are now home. Anyone reading this has to think I am a flipping crazy lady...this sounds nuts...lol.

The Bird Bath that I have pictured is a wonderful, wonderful childhood memory for me. It was also my Grandma's...and it was also left for the new owners. I remember knowing that the closing on my grandmas house was taking place that day...and I just felt like I wanted to go over to my grandmas house one more time...I remember calling my mom and mentioning that the bird bath was still in the backyard and if I could please take it...I thank God that he placed that on my heart...because I am so honored to have it. Even the little Frog in the middle!! When I was young...we would be at my grandmas house and it was always a big deal that I was helping my grandma out by cleaning out the bird bath. Funny enough, they probably just enjoyed me being out of the house...and I just LOVED spraying the water hose for as long as I could get away with. It has a place of honor in my backyard garden....right in front of my heirloom Hostas.

I am looking forward to all the blooming flowers in the next few months...and I am sure I will have to post some more pictures.  

Our weekend is jam packed with fun activities...Jeff is a volunteer coach at a Tennis Block Party for kids on Saturday..I cannot wait to post some pictures.  Should be fun.  Have a blessed weekend.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all my friends and family!! What a beautiful weekend to celebrate....and a nice calm steady rain to end the weekend. Not bad!! We spent the last couple weekends getting all the flower beds planted and spent this weekend at our parents homes...planting flowers. It was a wonderful weekend for sure. The rain just kind of finishes everything off...giving the newly planted flowers the comfort they need to root in.

Jeff played in a tennis tournament this weekend on the Plaza. It was his first tournament to play in, since his surgery. He was thrilled to play and did great!! His elbow held up great with just a little soreness as a result of long play.

The girls gave me an amazing Mothers Day. They each had bags of little things they had made and gave me a Magnolia Bush to plant. I am still considering my options on where to put a bush that will grow to 10 feet tall....and not to mention 8 feet wide...but I am certain I will find the perfect home for it.
Ok...dinner is almost ready...I mean breakfast...whatever..lol!!  We are having "breakfast" for "dinner". 

Better attach some pics !!!