Sunday, May 24, 2009

Camping Trip 2009

Exactly what the doctor ordered!! A little sunshine, small breeze, cool nights and nothing but each other for entertainment. Bike rides(many), walks, fishing, fires, smores, swimming at the beach(if you call it a beach). What an extremley blessed weekend. The only thing that would of made it better if we could of had Sarah and Ashley with us.

I am not sure if what we did is exactly "roughin" it..but obviously it got us out of the same four walls we spend all our time in. A few things were a coffee pot...and Jeffs fan. We have never been camping with all these luxeries and kind of laughed at ourselves when we were able to turn a small lamp on instead of a flashlight. We decided later in the week to go camping and when I called they only had electric sites avaliable. One site to be we grabbed it. Now that we have camped like this...I am not sure we could go back to the old fashion way.

Emma made her dad proud this weekend. She was an amazing camper. She has went camping since she was 9 months old...but of course this is the first time that she really could get into it. We ran across a snapping turtle on one of our bikes rides and she was excited to keep it as a pet...but we sent it home to its mom. Later on in the day, her dad and her found a frog in our campsite. She reached right down and grabbed it and made it her best friend. I even was able to grab a picture of it !! Obviously, fishing was another moment that shined in dads heart....she caught 5 fish, on her own, with her Barbie fishing pole!! She was so excited to get the worm for dad, for every cast. It was so wonderful watching them together...and even more wonderful seeing how much Emma enjoyed fishing!!
As far as I go...(this is for Blaire)..My birdwatching was turned on, full force. We had Orioles flying around our campsite. Cardinals, Robins, Bluejays and Chicadees were among the many birds that visited us. The Chicadees were eating off the picnic table and landing on our chairs. We had a woodpecker that visited too. On one of our bike rides, I found an Oriole nest. That is right folks...I got to watch an Oriole making a nest. It really was amazing to see and I was so excited. Jeff was upset though when I took the Grape Jelly out of the cooler to put some on a plate for the birds...I did not leave much for sandwiches. (for those of us who are not "bird watchers".... Grape Jelly to Orioles is like cat food is to a stray cat. The will not go away and always want more". The photographer at heart made a rookie move this weekend. I left my "good" camera at home and took my pocket camera..thinking I could take it with me more places. Well I took 8 pictures and it said MEMORY FULL !! I had taken the memory card out to upload pictures and never put it back. So the only memory I could use was the cameras internal memory...and it held...thats right...8 pictures. So these are the 8 I got...and I love them all !!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Jen! The first one of Emma and her Dad fishing is absolutely priceless! The frog pic is a hoot, looks like he's saying "help me"!! That Emma isn't afraid of anything!! Definitely not a "girlie girl" is she!! LOL

    Too bad about the camera darn it...sure would've been cool to see pix of the oriole building it's nest.

    Love you all!

    Ru/Mom/Granny Ru
