Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heirloom Blooms

I have Heirloom plants in my garden and I wanted to share some of the pictures with you. These Peonies date back to the early 1900's. My Grandma was born in 1919 and she transplanted these Peonies from her mother's garden...we are not sure how or when my Great Grandmother received the Peonies...we just know that they were planted in her garden at the farm. To see these beautiful my home, in my garden...knowing they are over 100 years truly, truly a blessing. I go out to see them several times a day and of course have to stop to smell them every time I am by them. I am honored to be a part of their history. Truly honored.

The Hostas I have pictured are from my Grandma's home. After she passed away, the house sold....and I went over to collect any plants that had been left for the new owners. These Hostas were by my grandmas deck in the backyard. My Grandma and my Aunt Betsy had planted them many years ago. The Hostas are at least 20 years old...I am certain more...but it is too late at night to call Bets and confirm.. ;o) I had transplanted these Hostas to my 1st house and when we moved out it was not the right time of the year to move the Hostas. I actually asked the realtor if I could put it in the contract to be able to come back in the Spring...but he told me I was crazy. So time passed and I thought about them all the time....wishing I could get them. I was out working in the yard at the new house and it was Spring...a couple years had passed and I just felt led to load up the kids + 1 babysitting kid and a shovel and go over to the old house and ask for the Hostas. I knocked on the door and thought for sure no one was home...right when I was ready to walk away..she came to the door and I introduced myself and asked if I could dig up the Hostas by her driveway...lmao...(I did explain that they were my Grandmas) she had to of thought I lost my mind...she said "Sure, take whatever you want...I cannot keep anything alive." So I did..I dug everyone of those Hostas up as the kids were watching a movie in the van...took all of 15 minutes and we were off...back to the house...I could NOT believe I could of ever done that and everytime I look at them..I know it truly is a miracle that they are now home. Anyone reading this has to think I am a flipping crazy lady...this sounds

The Bird Bath that I have pictured is a wonderful, wonderful childhood memory for me. It was also my Grandma's...and it was also left for the new owners. I remember knowing that the closing on my grandmas house was taking place that day...and I just felt like I wanted to go over to my grandmas house one more time...I remember calling my mom and mentioning that the bird bath was still in the backyard and if I could please take it...I thank God that he placed that on my heart...because I am so honored to have it. Even the little Frog in the middle!! When I was young...we would be at my grandmas house and it was always a big deal that I was helping my grandma out by cleaning out the bird bath. Funny enough, they probably just enjoyed me being out of the house...and I just LOVED spraying the water hose for as long as I could get away with. It has a place of honor in my backyard garden....right in front of my heirloom Hostas.

I am looking forward to all the blooming flowers in the next few months...and I am sure I will have to post some more pictures.  

Our weekend is jam packed with fun activities...Jeff is a volunteer coach at a Tennis Block Party for kids on Saturday..I cannot wait to post some pictures.  Should be fun.  Have a blessed weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how they have bloomed out in just the last couple of days!
    They are amazingly beautiful - just like you!! This is a great legacy for the girls to have knowledge of, one I hope they always remember. I can picture Ashley taking those flowers with her one day, and the legacy will continue! Maybe Sarah too, or Emma...but definitely Ash!
