Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all my friends and family!! What a beautiful weekend to celebrate....and a nice calm steady rain to end the weekend. Not bad!! We spent the last couple weekends getting all the flower beds planted and spent this weekend at our parents homes...planting flowers. It was a wonderful weekend for sure. The rain just kind of finishes everything the newly planted flowers the comfort they need to root in.

Jeff played in a tennis tournament this weekend on the Plaza. It was his first tournament to play in, since his surgery. He was thrilled to play and did great!! His elbow held up great with just a little soreness as a result of long play.

The girls gave me an amazing Mothers Day. They each had bags of little things they had made and gave me a Magnolia Bush to plant. I am still considering my options on where to put a bush that will grow to 10 feet tall....and not to mention 8 feet wide...but I am certain I will find the perfect home for it.
Ok...dinner is almost ready...I mean!!  We are having "breakfast" for "dinner". 

Better attach some pics !!!

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