Monday, May 18, 2009

Tennis Block PARTY!!

This was a blast. What a wonderful event that they hold at Barry Park. Jeff was blessed to be a volunteer coach for the older kids and man did he have fun. It was amazing to see him in that role and what a natural he is. I could tell that he was in heaven out there with those kids. The girls were amazing. I believe we have some natural born tennis players in the family. Sarah went early with Jeff to help set up..and Ashley and Emma and I fell behind later. Ashley was nervous about being in a group I was thinking she would back out at the last minute, but instead, she got in the group with Sarah and the first challenge they played, SHE WON !! So then it was ON !! She was all about Tennis from that point on. Sarah and her both got really cool T-shirts and the memory of being with all those kids learning to play tennis. This is the 2nd year they have held this event and it is going to be annual from now on...that is the plan anyway. It is free to everyone and they include food and snacks and drinks...and rackets and it is for sure a great way to spend the morning with the family.
Emma and I had to hang out on the courts...trying not to bring too much attention to ourselves. So we had some fun taking pictures of funny faces we were making. Anything to keep a 3 year old happy !!

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