Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of Second and Fourth Grade

Here it is...Summer is over !! The girls started school last week. We were the latest to start school...around here anyway. They have really enjoyed their first week of school and it amazes me to see how grown up they are. I am proud of them both !! I love you girls !!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pumpkin Update

Our pumpkins are going crazy. I feel I need to explain to everyone that comes to my house on a daily basis...that I really am not crazy. I know that I will be the talk of the neighborhood before long when I have pumpkins sitting on my porch, the 1st of September. I earned the nickname "the flower lady" tending to my gardens several times a day and deciding to move plants around at all hours of the night...I am certain I was on the verge of "crazy lady" even at that point!

The Pumpkin you see at the top is completely orange and bigger than a basketball. It is so hard to tell in the picture just how big it is. The second picture is a follow up to the first posting I did with Emmas hands on the pumpkin...just to show how much it had grown.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Omaha Zoo

One last trip before Summer ends. Even though the odds were against us, we made it to the Zoo last Sunday in Omaha. If a trip was never meant to was this one. We made our reservations at the Hilton Garden Inn in Old Downtown Omaha several weeks ago. We planned to leave Saturday night around 6:30 after Jeff got off work, but the sales world had another plan for us. He called about 8:00 and said "mis well just come on up to work and we will leave from here" we did just that. I thought I better call the Hotel to let them know of the late arrival. THEY were so glad I called because our room had flooded and they were sold out of rooms and had nothing to offer us. Long story short...they found a room at a different hotel(in the hood) and paid for our trip. We got to Omaha about 12:00 just in time to go to bed. I was up and getting ready bright and early and eventually everyone, except Emma, was up and moving. I thought it was strange she was sleeping through all the excitement...but just let it go to the long night. Jeff and the girls loaded up the car and went to breakfast and I decided I mis well wake the sleeping bear up and meet them. We were at breakfast for about 10 minutes...(I will spare you most the details)....when I ended up in the bathroom cleaning myself and Emma up and taking her only blankie to the laundry for cleaning. She was sick. Sooooo....we still decided to go to the Zoo...and it actually was a great choice. She was ready to go after she "relieved" herself and we had several good hours with her. About noon...right after lunch, she fell asleep and slept in the stroller until 4:00 when we it really worked out good. Not sure I would get the "Mom of the Year Award" for dragging my sick child to the Zoo...but I sure know that Sarah and Ashley would nominate me....because they really enjoyed it.

For anyone that has not been to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha this must go. The new Skyfari is AMAZING and a MUST !!! You get to ride across the Zoo in the Sky in a Ski lift type of thing...and see the Zoo from the air. It truly is very wonderful!! They also have a new Butterfly House that is also very amazing. Everyone knows of my love for Hummingbirds..and they had several flying around in the house and the butterflies were really just breathtaking. Oh and anyone that has been to this Zoo...knows, that the last picture of the monkey is so real...that monkey was ready to jump on our stroller...and actually has before, but didnt this time !!

Ok....I am heading to bed. I have several more postings ready...I just need to upload some pics for them. The pumpkins are crazy big and I will post those tomorrow...then OF COURSE..Sarah and Ashleys first day of school was I have those pics too !!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"What is the deal" ;o)

"What is the deal" ;o) That is a quote from my dear friends email this morning. Typically she has amazing timing and this was no exception. I started laughing out loud, literally, when I read that question. I have 9 kids in the house today and at that moment one was at my feet having a total meltdown and another was putting something in his mouth that should not of been there. Emma, and a couple other little ones, were playing baby, tea or something very loudly, trying to talk over the meltdown under my feet. My "dearest" friend ever...wanted to know why I have only blogged 2 times in I felt like sharing that moment with her. I knew she would appreciate it, since she knows me SO WELL !!! I think to really appreciate my day, I need to upload a picture of this moment..

You have to understand how much I cherish this friend. This is the friend in your life that has been there through it all, literally, every up and down through my life. Time has passed and sometimes years pass that we have not talked and when we do see each other or get a chance to talk, it is just like it was yesterday. Then we see a picture of each others kids and it immediately brings up to reality and how fast time flies.

So here's to you, Michelle, of the best friends in my life...I know you will be thinking of me everyday after seeing this picture and drink one for me as often as you can...because that is the kind of friend you are !! I love you !!!

Oh and by the way...This is now the 3rd posting for August...I could possibly still have a really good month if I pick it up a notch. Gotta love me.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God has a sense of humor !!

I was lazy...and dumped pumpkins on the side of my house and now I have been blessed with many MANY pumpkins. No telling how many pumpkins we will end up with. If I could not get rid of two will I get rid of 30. We were laughing and thinking of how big this pumpkin plant had grown and if we were to let the pumpkins go again..just what would we end up with. Could you imagine. So everyone in my family will be gifted with a pumpkin...all my daycare kids will get them and every neighbor. I can only laugh...because God has a great sense of humor and this is just funny.

Note: The pumpkins in these two pictures have doubled in size just in the time I took the pictures and uploaded them for the blog. The large pumpkin below is larger than a full size basketball now. I might be in the running for the Worlds biggest pumpkin.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Its "Emma" Time

It is amazing to look at these pictures and see a totally different little girl, than I see every day. She is my last baby and is growing up way to fast. Emma is full of spunk and truly a princess at heart. She loves chasing butterflies and holding bugs...and then will stop to put on her lip gloss. :o) She loves to wear dresses and fancy flip flops...but only every so often am I allowed to put a bow in her hair. All these things are exactly what I love about her. She is so so tough...yet has the heart of an angel. She will ride her bike, as fast as her legs will go, then slam on the brakes to make the longest skid mark ever. I am normally gasping for air through the panic... and Dad is yelling "that was awesome" and she is saying..."watch me do it again". She will grab a tool out of dads tool box and be the first to work on her bike or toys when they need adjusting...knowing she "has what it takes" to fix it. What a cool kid !! I love you Emma.

Emma is the toughest, sweetest, most verbally advanced little girl only because she has amazing older sisters...she is what she is because of Sarah and dont you two worry...I will be blogging about you really soon !!