Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"What is the deal" ;o)

"What is the deal" ;o) That is a quote from my dear friends email this morning. Typically she has amazing timing and this was no exception. I started laughing out loud, literally, when I read that question. I have 9 kids in the house today and at that moment one was at my feet having a total meltdown and another was putting something in his mouth that should not of been there. Emma, and a couple other little ones, were playing baby, tea or something very loudly, trying to talk over the meltdown under my feet. My "dearest" friend ever...wanted to know why I have only blogged 2 times in I felt like sharing that moment with her. I knew she would appreciate it, since she knows me SO WELL !!! I think to really appreciate my day, I need to upload a picture of this moment..

You have to understand how much I cherish this friend. This is the friend in your life that has been there through it all, literally, every up and down through my life. Time has passed and sometimes years pass that we have not talked and when we do see each other or get a chance to talk, it is just like it was yesterday. Then we see a picture of each others kids and it immediately brings up to reality and how fast time flies.

So here's to you, Michelle, of the best friends in my life...I know you will be thinking of me everyday after seeing this picture and drink one for me as often as you can...because that is the kind of friend you are !! I love you !!!

Oh and by the way...This is now the 3rd posting for August...I could possibly still have a really good month if I pick it up a notch. Gotta love me.

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