Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God has a sense of humor !!

I was lazy...and dumped pumpkins on the side of my house and now I have been blessed with many MANY pumpkins. No telling how many pumpkins we will end up with. If I could not get rid of two will I get rid of 30. We were laughing and thinking of how big this pumpkin plant had grown and if we were to let the pumpkins go again..just what would we end up with. Could you imagine. So everyone in my family will be gifted with a pumpkin...all my daycare kids will get them and every neighbor. I can only laugh...because God has a great sense of humor and this is just funny.

Note: The pumpkins in these two pictures have doubled in size just in the time I took the pictures and uploaded them for the blog. The large pumpkin below is larger than a full size basketball now. I might be in the running for the Worlds biggest pumpkin.

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