Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sarahs Double Digit Birthday!! Happy 10th!!

My baby turned 10. It amazes me everyday how fast time flies. Yikes!! All three of my girls are born in the Winter we were all very excited when Sarah came up with the idea of a pool party at Great Wolf Lodge. I had never thought of it before for a birthday party and was thrilled that I finally could have a pool party for one of my girls!! She got to invited one girlfriend and we stayed the night in a Kids Cabin. We spent the whole day at the Water Park and then most the night at the Arcade. Won lots of fun toys and made a ton of great memories at the park. Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest little girls ever! Your heart is so full of love. Thank you for being so wonderful and a blessing to me!! I love you Sarah Bear.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Update

Well...Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas is right around the truly blows my mind how fast this year has gone. We had a very blessed Thanksgiving and enjoyed the time with my parents for a wonderful traditional meal...and then followed up with Jeffs parents for a terrific steak dinner. It was great not having two traditional Thanksgiving meals. We are having our very first Snow/Ice mix for this Winter season. The girls had their first early release today from school and it is a good guess they will not be having class tomorrow. They are truly hoping for their first snow day of the season. How exciting...things have changed though. I remember when I was a little girl, I could not wait to get up and watch the schools scroll along the bottom of the morning news. Now, the girls lay in bed and wait to hear every phone we have ring...both cell phones, house phone and even a chime from the computer that we received an email. We find out before the name is even put on the morning news. Still fun...hopefully we can build a snowman!!!

Well all the babysitting kids have left for the day, due to bad weather...and I actually get the chance to have dinner on the table for my husband and a clean house when he gets home from work. Funny how exciting that is for me!!

I miss my blog and am glad I got a chance to update it!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Blog...what is a Blog? now I have totally neglected my Blog for the whole month of November. Facebook, Facebook, Facebook. Whoa. I was such a "hater" and now am addicted. It truly is amazing...although my Family Blog gives me the opportunity to truly share my thoughts and daily happenings without having to annoy everyone and pressure them to read it. I guess if you read my Blog it is by choice and cannot complain. lol !! ;o)

November truly has been an amazing month. I could not put my finger on anything certain...but towards the end of the has left me feeling blessed!

We are celebrating Thanksgiving this Sunday with my family and that is always exciting. It is so wonderful to get everyone together to hang out and BE THANKFUL !!! Does this mean I have to be Thankful for the Chiefs since they are playing on Sunday? I will try.

I am Thankful for Budweiser making a beer that is only 55 calories and taste great. I love my Bud Light Lime...but for half the calories I think I am making the switch to Select 55.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family. I love you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The "Good" Family

I am not picking my favorite family .... that is really the last name!! lol. I forgot to mention to them that my maiden name was Goodno...kind of funny I guess. Maybe just to me... Either way the day was about them...and my goodness, once again how can a person go wrong with such great people to take pictures of. I have picked my favorite photo...and although there are many that turned out great...ironically enough it is a picture of their bums that I liked the best. lol !! Bryce was disappointed that he did not sport his "big stitch" jeans...oh well...maybe next time! Thank you both for a terrific day and thank you again for letting me share this moment with you! I am blessed everyday to be a part of your lives!! Andrea...we will always laugh about the way we met I think. I truly believe we really had nothing to do with it...I think it was just meant to be. Congratulations on your engagement and only one more week and you all are LEGAL !!! What did Wendel say today. Misery likes company...Noooo just kiddin!! lol Once again..I have way to many to post on this I will put the album on facebook.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Temporary New Look

Well...I decided maybe the dark background was a little heavy...I liked it for a while but am switching it up to something a little lighter..WHITE !! lol....actually I have been inspired to upgrade my blog with some amazing backgrounds and even optional music if the viewer so wishes...lmao!! I am nervous though to do anything until I print my Blog in I think I am going for the New Year/New Look!! I just do not want to take the chance at messing with my template and the changing the HTML(like I really know what that means) and taking the chance of losing the whole Blog...with some research, it seems that has happened once or twice to other people...

Sooooo....with that said, we will put up with the White Blah background for a few more months and then do a major makeover in 2010! Oh how exciting!! lol !! ;o)

Gotta go wash my kid...she has surely shriveled up into a small prune by now playing in the water!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Take me for a ride on your BIG GREEN TRACTOR!

We spent the afternoon with friends at their new farm home. What a beautiful place. We celebrated Trenton's 1st B-day. Congrats!! Here are some quick pics that I uploaded. Enjoy!

I have quite a few more...Michelle I will get them to you via email.

Alphabet Photos

Michelle and I, Chris and Jonathan...had a terrific time stomping around the West Bottoms of Kansas City. What a trip. We parked under the 12th street bridge and just started walking. We took pictures of about everything we looked at and had some great adventures along the way. We started out at the Good JuJu store where we were all very excited it was open and walked right in...we made it about 5 feet before the owner informed us we were not welcome and the store was closed. We left and they shut the door right behind us...oh well moving on. So we started walking on down towards the train tracks and under the bridge and ran into a "Real" photo shoot...this rather overweight shady looking guy taking pictures of models. It was the real deal we guessed...they had a booth set up for makeup and dressing rooms and everything. Kind of cool. We came to the conclusion that they were strippers, although I am not sure how we came to that. Jonathan was keeping us posted on anything going on with the models. He was a great Lookout for us. We continue around the different blocks...taking advantage of every photo op we had. The best part is to come..SOME HOW...I think Chris had something to do with this..we end up right infront of Pole Worx..yeh I will attach the link for all interested parties Can you BELIEVE I did not take a picture of Michelle and I on the poles. Did not even think of it...Rookie move. Great times...Great times. Who knew in the West Bottoms you could learn to Pole Dance, learn to Box...and hit a Architectural Salvage shop all on the same block. I guess Chris.

We decided to clean our act up a little bit and headed back to the car to go to Union Station. I have to say...we did not pick up many pictures at Union Station and were way better off in the bottoms. ALTHOUGH...Union Station does have this really amazing Fireman Museum that is a must see. You cannot touch anything except the little firetruck with the bell...but you CAN look at all the neat antique fireman stuff. Anyone that knows Chris...knows he is a fireman and I am just joking around with him. Gotta love me Chris!! The Museum is small right now but the firefighters are just starting this project and they do have great
plans and alot of work ahead of them. On a serious note...congratulations on the museum and it really will be awesome!! now to the photos...remember, this was our first trip "into the field" for this new way of art...taking pictures of things around town to make letters. So you have to use your imagination on some of them...and when put together in an actual word, you would see the letter alot easier. Its like I am trying to make excuses for the craziness to come. I SEE an F..I SEE an A..I SEE an S..I SEE a get the point.

Sue and Logan

Oh man...Thanks guy...what a great time today. I truly enjoyed getting out and enjoying the day taking pictures with you both!! I obviously have alot more pictures than what I am able to post...but knew you would enjoy seeing some as soon as possible. Logan...I love the serious
look in these pictures. I have picked my favorite and it is Logan leaning against the tree in B&W. How can a photographer go wrong with these people!!

Sue you will get all the pictures in the original form and the ones I photo edited on a CD. Make sure wherever you get them printed(I love GET THEM IN MATTE !!!