Thursday, January 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!!

January 16th!! Happy Birthday Dad!! I know that I am blessed. My dad is amazing. I have always looked up to him and always known he is the best dad in the world. He has raised me knowing that I was his everything and that he loved me with all his heart. In everything I do I can see my dad shining through. My dad is always "even" with his house....and cars and basically everything. He taught me how important it was to be "even". Being "even" means to be caught up with life and keep caught up. Work hard everyday in everything you do and give everything, everything you have and you should stay "even". Plain and simple. I see my dad shining through me, raising three daughters and running a daycare and taking care of my home, husband and gardens. I am "Even". Thank you dad, for teaching me to have control of my everyday life and allowing me to be the mother and wife that I am. Thank you for teaching me to live my life for the Lord and love him completely. Thank you for showing me forgiveness and teaching me how to be forgiving. The lesson of forgiveness has allowed me to love some of my biggest enemies. I love you !! Friends are always saying....Jen I dont know how you do it...or man where do you get the energy....and I reply. "My Dad, I am just like my dad"
I love you Mike! ;o)
Happy Birthday to my Dad!
I love you a ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho WHOLE BUNCH !!

I wanted to post this prayer and share it. I had this taped on my computer at work for 9 years and a longtime girlfriend just sent a letter to me and she had it in there....amazing.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
I think we all should read this, from time to time, to remind us Who really is in control !!
Also....I got all of our Family Pictures...I will post some more of them tomorrow.


  1. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute Jen - your Dad will be so blessed and touched by your loving words! You are and always have been the most absolute joy of our lives, and then you tripled it with our precious granddaughters. God IS good!!!

  2. Love to you all.
    Happy Birthday Mike!
    Your SIL, Betsy

  3. I think he is pretty fantastic myself Love Ya
