Monday, January 12, 2009


Sunday was our Family pictures. My friend Kate has a sister Anne that is an aspiring photographer. We were lucky enough to be her test subjects. I am thrilled. Believe it or not...we have NO family pictures. So this is our first. We started in the back yard..taking pictures by the fence and then drove to a couple different places for some great shots. She was thinking she might have them to me by Wednesday. I will make sure to post some of them as soon as I get them.

Ok...I am running an at home daycare. You know, before, it seemed I would just have one or two extra. Now, I am watching 4. So I am a busy mom during the day. I would not have it any other way !! I have Emma 2, Maddie 1.5, Grant 6 months and Grant 3 months. Yes two Grants...what are the chances....oh yes and Arianna 3.5 just part time. So any additional prayers for me would be appreicated. LOL! I will post some pics of the kids. They are all SO CUTE !!


  1. congratulations on being a stay at home mom.I was until my oldest was 12 I had as many as 10 come through the house at some point. But I made grilled cheese in volume many days. some would just come after school.beginning training for cooking for 600 I also ironed for people .10 cents a piece

  2. It is alot of work but is very rewarding..It is amazing how much you bond with the kids. It is just like they are your own. Although when 5:00 comes around I am happy to kiss them goodbye and see them tomorrow. ha !!
