Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Hour

I did not know this still existed after 3 kids. But, it does. I got invited to Happy Hour tonight. AND I WENT !! !! Recently I started babysitting one of the teachers little boys from my girls school. She emailed me today to meet them for Happy Hour. It was to celebrate January birthdays for all the teachers at the school. One of the teachers was Sarah and Ashleys Kindergarten teacher whom I have become good friends with over the years. ;o) I decided to go, with some pushing from my husband that I needed to go out with girls. I was not really certain what to expect. I got all dolled up and met the girls at Nick and Jakes. I wanted Jeff to drop me off...I am not used to driving at night, let alone after a few drinks. So, I felt like a freshman in high school, nervous about the first day. We got closer and I wanted to tell him...never mind lets go home. Well...when he stopped at the front door there was no turning back. I walked in and looked around...thinking I was going to see some of the girls standing at the bar drinking and laughing...BUT NO...they had reserved a room...with a formal table...and the teachers were sitting around the table eating dinner and talking. There were no open at this point I am about to die. I am a MOTHER of the kids they teach...totally out of place. They manage to scoot me a seat and once I got a beer in front of me, all was good. Soon I got over the anxiety of being the "odd man out" and drank my way to It was a great night. Thank you Blaire for being so sweet to think of me. Adult conversation!! Much needed !! Let alone...Girl Adult conversation. ha!

So I say all that to say this....Us Stay at Home moms...need to get out and remind ourselves that we do still exist. What a fun night...Thank you to my husband for pushing me to go and supporting me while I was gone !! I love you !!

I would post a picture...but I forgot my camera ;o(

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right on about needing the time away to reconnect with other adults. You deserve it tremendously! Being one of the most beautiful, intelligent and fun people I've ever known, I'm sure those ladies felt the same way and will want you to join them at future get togethers!!

    Kudos to you Jeff for being so supportive!
