Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Jeff just called and he passed his test with flying colors!! AMAZING...this first month of school has been very intense. It "awes" me to see how smart he is. I know he is relieved!! I am so proud of him and all the hard work and dedication he has put into his study!! Great job Jeff !! He gets the rest of the week off to actually relax before starting his next class on the 26th.
I guess I should probably be planning some sort of celebration dinner!! LOL...Maybe Dino nuggets and mac & cheese will have to wait until Thursday!!

SOOOO....anyone need your computer taken apart and put back together?? LOL...I know a great IT guy that could do it with his eyes closed..heck at this point, he could probably build you a computer from spare parts in your garage. ;o) Get this...we actually have a subscription to a computer and IT magazine coming to our house. What does this all mean? I think I have married myself a computer geek!! I would not have it any other way...I love you Jeff !!

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