Sunday, April 12, 2009

~Happy Easter~

Happy Easter to everyone!! We started out our day with Jeff making biscuits and gravy. Oh was amazing! Unfortunately, I was not feeling well this morning so I had to go back to bed for a little bit...a little Advil and all was better. It was my back and something was just out of whack...but all is well now!! After I got back up...I had three girls to get ready for our day. Curled lots of hair and helped with tights and we were ready to roll. They looked beautiful as usual!! We went to see Jeff's parents and then landed at my mom and dads for our Easter dinner. It was also amazing!! My parents are famous for going all out when it comes to family dinners...and this was no exception. Thank you for a great Easter! After we made it home, we had a couple days worth of catching up to do around the house. Picking up all the remains of broken plastic eggs and empty candy wrappers, they were everywhere!! We were all still very full from the family dinner, so popcorn was the only option for dinner!! It was healthy popcorn though. ;o) Back to the weekly ritual tomorrow!! Amazing how fast the weekend goes by!!

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