Friday, April 10, 2009

Lets Color Some Easter Eggs !!

It is hard to believe it is Easter weekend. The girls were on Spring Break, Thursday and Friday of this week. Jeff and I took today off to enjoy with the girls. We went to the very first showing of Hannah Montana "the movie"...went and grabbed lunch and then hit the mall for the famous family Easter bunny picture. We got a cute picture of all the girls...then off to the park for a little muddy fun. Not the best day to go to the park since it had rained all morning...but none the less, a little mud never hurt anyone!!! The girls had a blast and left with muddy shoes and pants. We still made it home in enough time to color Easter eggs and make and decorate cup cakes!!

I am drained and everyone else in the house is melting down. I better finish this up and tend to my family. Happy Easter weekend everyone!!

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