Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I laugh...because I am certain no one cares as much as I do about the silly plants...so I doubt that you are sitting on the edge of your seats wanting to know if they survived...but they did! All that hard work...came with great reward. All the peonies, lilac bushes, clematis and hostas were very happy and grateful to see the warm sun this morning! I should have some beautiful pictures to share with everyone in the near future. I had cut several of my tulips and brought them inside and the ones that were left outside actually were not covered and still did really great. Sooo...I was a little disappointed that I had cut the one early bloomer I have in the Spring.

Jeff bought Sarah a new bike. It is her final bike that she will not outgrow. She is thrilled. At one point I caught her telling the bike she would miss it while she was at school the next day. Ashley got a new bike of sorts. Jeff put new tires and a new PURPLE kick stand on Sarahs old bike which made it look like a brand new one just for her. Emma got her first big girl bike with training wheels. I know she is really excited thinking she can now keep up with sisters. She has not had the chance to ride the bike outside yet...but is wearing lines in the carpet riding it in circles through the living room and kitchen. ;o) I got some pictures of Emmas bike...I still need to take some of Sarahs.

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