Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rain, Rain go away...come again another day...

Whoa !! Life has been crazy. Sorry for the lag in posting...I was down and out with Strep Throat. I guess Strep Throat is a funny thing...some people it might cause a small sore throat...some people it might cause a small fever, maybe a headache....well obviously, my body over-reacts to the Strep virus. I was in bed for 4 days with temps reaching as high as 104.2. SERIOUSLY. Everytime I swallowed it felt like nails going down my throat. I thought I was never going to get better, UNTIL....I went to the doctor and they gave me the most wonderful shot in the rear!! It was an antibiotic booster of sorts...I guess. Either way, I got that on Friday and by Sunday I was out of bed...moving slowly...but none the less, out of bed!! So the days I was sick, Jeff stayed home from school to run a daddy daycare. It was amazing seeing him in action. By Sunday, all my laundry was caught up, the house was organized and clean...and he did all that while still taking care of the daycare kids and our children. Dirty diapers and all!! Thank you Honey!!

Of course, the days I was glued to the was 75 and sunny...perfect days...I am not sure if it has stopped raining since I felt better.

Jeff finished up his classes today. He had his final presentation and nailed it to the wall!! So he is home for the next week and half...applying for jobs. So anyone that knows anyone hiring a IT Engineer and wants to refer Jeff..please let us know !!

Mom and I and the family...are making our annual flower shopping trip this Saturday. Oh man...this is SO my favorite time of the year. Saturday is completely reserved for shopping with mom and dad and then coming home and the girls and I planting flowers all afternoon!! I will post some pictures on Sunday of all our work.

Lord Bless everyone and I will be back to my old self, updating the blog a little more regularly.

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