Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I have been on a mission lately. I have spent almost a year keeping up on this Blog. Alot of journaling...and memories that once gone..would be gone forever. I have asked several people, including my the heck to save my Blog to something else besides with Blogger. If something happens with them it would all be lost. Well no one had any answers and I could not figure it out myself. UNTIL...I just was googling how to print a blog and came up with this website. is amazing how simple it is. It uploads it and sorts it for you in a bound book and there you have it. Your complete blog in a hard bound cover book to save forever.

Since I did start this blog in January...I am going to wait until 2010 to print the 2009 blog in hopes that maybe I can make this a tradition to have a journal to print every year. I am really excited about this...I scrapbook and have lots of memories in them....but nothing like journaling on a mostly weekly basis about things going on in our lives at that time.


  1. How cool! This is a wonderful idea! Is it free?? LOL

  2. Oh is not the case. But I am so thrilled that I can do that...I did not want to take the chance of losing all this.
