Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Swine Flu hit HERE !!

Well it is true....I have Swine Flu. H1N1 or whatever other name you want to call it.(I can think of a few) I am officially a of the numbers for Clay county. What an experience. As many of you know...I do not watch T.V. so when I caught H1N1...research started. It is one of the craziest viruses I have ever had. One hour you can be thinking you are on the road to recovery and the next hour you feel like you are on your death bed. The next day you can spend the whole day in bed barely able to move and in extreme pain if you decide to...then the next day feel pretty just have it all hit you again that night. Last night I thought maybe I was kicking this stuff...and then today woke up to exhaustion and dizziness. I was planning on spending the whole day disinfecting the house..because surely I was done with this craziness...but had another plan for me. A day in bed. I thank God that my headache has left and can only hope that does not return. The vomiting has been limited to one day at the beginning of the week and I think I should be grateful for that. So I am left with the weakness and dizzy spells. I have also accepted that I will be the subject of bacon jokes for quite a while. I asked Jeff to make me a sandwich yesterday and he said "let me guess...ham and cheese add bacon" I tell ya folks...I live with a comedian!!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you haven't lost YOUR sense of humor! Yes, you do live with a comedian, but wouldn't have it any other way. Continue forward on that road to good health!!
