Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pepper or Buttons...depends who you ask

I thought everyone would enjoy meeting our temporary puppy. Jeff works with a lady whose daughter found Pepper at an intersection. She stopped and picked him up and took him to Harley to see if anyone wanted him. We said we would post something on Craigs List and put him in our back yard until we had a response. That lasted all of 3 minutes...he escaped under the fence like he knew exactly where to go. Of course, the owner did call and we had to give them the news that "Buttons" had run off....that is when they let us know his name was Pepper. Well "Pepper" was gone. He did manage to make a house full of kids cry that he ran off...before they could even pet him. However, he must of felt bad...because he returned the next day for about 5 minutes and escaped once again. The next day after that, Ashley was waiting for the school bus and saw Pepper standing in the middle of the street. I ran down the street and called his name and he ran right to me. Needless to say, Pepper stayed INSIDE to wait for his owner verses being in the back yard. The owner was there to pick him up by 6:00 that night and Pepper went home safe. Jeff had to keep my head on straight....I would of kept him!!

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