Monday, October 5, 2009

October?? Whoa !!

Well October is giving us a run for our money. We have started out the month with Sarah trying to recover from pneumonia. She had been sick for several days when they decided to do a x-ray on her chest...Thank goodness...because it ended up she did not have H1N1(which is what they convinced us it was before) and was actually struggling with pneumonia. We are going on week 2 of missing school and she is ready to be well. It breaks my heart seeing her struggle with this and I am ready for my baby to be well again. Please keep her in your prayers.

Our pumpkin patch is in full swing and we have picked 3 pumpkins so far. We have 10 more on the vine that are large and close to ready. I still laugh at myself every time I pick one. What a dork!!

I will keep you posted on Sarahs recovery!!

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